VI International Transport and Logistics Business Forum in Kazakhstan
2023 10 10
On October 4-6, the 26th international exhibition of transport and logistics services "TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2023" took place in Astana, at the site of the international exhibition center "EXPO". Fourteen Lithuanian companies participated in this international exhibition important for the transport and logistics business, among which six companies are members of the "Lineka" association - "Arijus", "Bunasta", "DLG", "Gevara", "Šturvalas" (TL Nika group), " Spedlita".
During the exhibition, several important business events were held as part of the Kazakhstan Transport Week, one of which was the VI International Transport and Logistics Business Forum "New Silk Road". More than a thousand delegates from 23 countries participated in this business forum. The event was organized by the Ministry of Transport of Kazakhstan, the national company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" and the transporters' union of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS", at the invitation of which the president of the association "Lineka" and the general director of UAB "Vilteda" Tautginas Sankauskas participated in the business forum.
Kazakhstan's Transport Minister Marat Karabayev noted in his welcoming speech that the exhibition and forum are dedicated to the development prospects of the transport and communication complex of the Eurasian continent. He also noted that these events have been legitimately considered for many years as the most effective platforms for discussing professional problems and for a practical way of solving them, as well as supporting dialogue between authorities and business representatives.
Multifaceted business communication at the exhibition and forum made it possible to constructively discuss the current problems of the development of the transport industry and outline the ways of further effective development in modern economic conditions. Being at the center of important transport lines of the Eurasian continent, Kazakhstan is a transit bridge and a reliable partner between Asia and Europe, as evidenced by the international composition of the exhibition and forum participants.
During the forum, experts and participants discussed issues of cooperation and integration of transport systems, the development of the Eurasian corridor route, as well as new technologies and innovations in the field of multimodal transport, increasing the efficiency of cargo transportation and improving delivery conditions.
Representatives of companies that participated in the exhibition and visitors to the exhibition also participated in the Lithuania-Kazakhstan business forum, during which they had a great opportunity to meet with existing and potential business partners, share experiences, establish new direct business relationships, and meet the diplomats of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Kazakhstan.