Project "Education of sectoral competences in freight forwarding, customs supervision and other logistics business".
On may 19, 2017, The Lithuanian national association of freight forwarders and logisticians LINEKA has started implementing the project "Education of sectoral competences in freight forwarding, customs supervision and other logistics business" financed by the European Social Fund.
Projekto tikslas - krovinių ekspedijavimo, muitinės priežiūros ir kitų logistikos verslo sektorinių kompetencijų ugdymas, siekiant užtikrinti darbuotojų išlikimą darbo rinkoje bei prisitaikymą šiuolaikiškoje, konkurencingoje ir nuolat kintančioje tiekimo grandinėje.
The implementation of the project was planned for December 2020, but it was extended for another year and was successfully implemented on May 25, 2022.
The implementer of the project, Lineka Association, sincerely thanks all the companies that worked on the project and participated in it.
We express our sincere thanks to Edita Skonsmoniene, the project manager of the European Social Fund Agency, PVS I, and Regina Beliakiene, the project manager of UAB, RVS consulting, for their cooperation in achieving project results!