
LINEKA became an associate member of LJKKA

2023 12 21

LINEKA (Lithuanian National Association of Forwarders and Logistics) and LJKKA (Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies) are two separate associations that pursue common goals related to freight transportation and logistics in Lithuania. Both associations aim to increase the competitiveness of their members, improve their operating conditions and cooperate with other associations in order to improve the operations of the Lithuanian logistics sector.
On December 20, 2023, during the festive lunch held in Klaipėda, LJKKA president Vaidotas Šileika presented the associate membership certificate to Dainius Petravičius, vice president of LINEKA association. During the event organized by LJKKA, two more organizations were admitted to the association as associate members - Lithuanian Shipping Agents and Forwarders Association (LLAEA)  and Lithuanian Shipbuilders and Repairers Association (LLRSA).
LJKKA was established in 1999 and currently unites twelve companies operating in the port of Klaipėda and five associate members.
This meeting, which crowned the end of the year, was also a great opportunity to thank everyone for the fellowship, to celebrate the work done together as well as the difficulties overcome. We thank LJKKA for the trust and cooperation.