
In Kazakhstan, issues relevant to Lithuanian carriers and opportunities for cooperation were discussed

2022 05 13

Tautginas Sankauskas, Vice President of the Lithuanian National Association of Freight Forwarders and Logists "Lineka", while visiting Kazakhstan with our country's delegation, met with state officials of this country, representatives of the transport and logistics sector. May 11-13 during the meetings, the current logistics situation, the possibilities of transporting transit cargo through Kazakhstan by rail, sea and road transport, and further cooperation between the transport and logistics companies of both countries were discussed.

The Lithuanian delegation consisted of Aidas Rimkevičius, advisor to the Minister of Communications, representatives of the country's road transport, railway, Klaipėda seaport and logistics business.

"Due to geopolitical tensions, rapidly rising fuel prices, and the requirements of the Mobility Package, Lithuanian carriers face many challenges. We aim to use all the possibilities - both to establish ourselves in the West and to strengthen the positions of our country's carriers in countries such as Kazakhstan", says R. Austinskas, one of the representatives.

The meetings discussed how to promote the trade of both countries through the port of Klaipėda, using the opportunities offered by the Trans-Caspian international route.

In a meeting with the representatives of the Transport Committee of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development of Kazakhstan, it was agreed to standardize permits for entering the territories of Lithuania and Kazakhstan, to digitize them and thus prevent possible violations. A meeting was also held with representatives of transporters and logisticians of this country, the possibilities of cooperation between businessmen of both countries were discussed.

Lithuania has an embassy in Kazakhstan, a general consulate in Almaty and even 8 Honorary Consuls.

Kazakhstan is a transit country, so it is attractive to Europeans due to the possibility of transporting goods from the EU to China and vice versa. Currently, transit cargo from Nursultan, Almaty to Vilnius airport is being considered.

It is one of the richest countries in Central Asia. Natural resources and attractive conditions for foreign investors have attracted the world's most famous companies to this country. Kazakhstan is rich in oil, as well as ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, and the grain grown here is valued for its high quality.

The visit to Kazakhstan was organized by the Embassy of Lithuania in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Lithuanian-Kazakhstan Business Council, the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists, and the Kazlogistics Union of Kazakhstan Carriers.